Canadian Quality Daily Physical Activities, Grades 2-3
Product Number: SS-J194
Eighty 20-Minute Activities Adapted for Classroom and Outside.This book was written to help engage teachers and students in t...
80 - 20 Minute Activities Adapted for Classroom & Outside. This book was
written to help engage teachers and students in the idea of being fit for
life through not be afraid to have fun while getting fit. We wanted
teachers to feel confident in their abilities to introduce physical fitness into
their classrooms through the exciting and stimulating adventure of games. In
creating these activities, we took into consideration many different aspects
that teachers have to think about when trying to incorporate time for physical
fitness. Many of these activities can be done directly in the classroom space
without the need to re-create the space for the activity. We also believe that it
is important for children to be exposed to the outdoor environment as much
as possible. We have constructed activities that make use of outdoor spaces
where children can run and enjoy nature. We have tried to create activities
that are easy for all teachers to do with a minimum of equipment necessary.
We believe that the out of door activities can make the different seasons
more enjoyable.....perhaps even to stimulate students to engage in other
outdoor activities outside of school fitness time, and this is perhaps the most
important part of the fitness engage children in daily physical
activity and generate the spark that follows these activities into the home to
become part of family growth in all aspects. 112 Pages.